
Veebisait: | Väljalaske kuupäev: 2021. aasta IV kvartal | Filiaali kategooria: FinTech



VTBCommunity, võrreldamatu krüptovaluutade kogukond, mis keskendus oma kasutajate prognoositavusele ja ümberjagamisele, tellis oma üldise digitaalstrateegia jaoks veebilahenduse, et suurendada bränditeadlikkust ja suurendada saidi liiklust, laiendades samal ajal kasutajabaasi ja positsioneerides oma fintech-lahendusi.

A strategically combined digital media suite that allows users to be retargeted based on the information they saw last and spent the most time viewing. This was done by generating a multi-lateral web development solution, a vast web design content library, video marketing activities, social media marketing campaign, SEO optimization, content marketing creation, a contextual campaign to increase reach by showing prospective audiences the current, and most promising service or product in the respective fields. In addition to that, we applied daily and lifetime frequency caps specific to each user in order to prevent overexposure.




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